why we create an imaginary statue of any person who met in our life?

When sometime in our life we met some person and we are confused that what kind of person is he? Our worried about that person is good, but sometime we create an imaginary personality of that person that the other person is such kind of person? Like if someone is looking descent, we create an imaginary personality of that person that the other person is so sweat and polite. Sometime our opinion goes wrong about some persons. Someone said that “if you want to judge a person judge him in his anger”. In anger the reality of a person came in front of you!!!!. The question is that why we create an imaginary picture of a person in our mind. I’ll give you the explanation of this question in this blog…
                  In our life we had bad experience with the society. Every time we trust on someone betrayed us in need of time. These bad experiences in our life urges us to build an imaginary personality of someone so that we can’t betrayed by that person. To know a person is not so much difficult. We went with him judge his behavior with the poor persons of the society. If he treated them good we came to know that he is a good guy. We noted him at every point of the life. If he is doing a job try to notice his behavior with his junior. After sometime or somedays we came to know about so much traits of that person and knew every aspects of his personality. It is true we have not trust on any person “if you want success in your life never trust on anyone”…  Any one in your life can betray you at any point of your life….

          The last thing which I want to add at the ending the never judge a person on his personality.Give him one chance  for the friendship and check him according your rules. Everyone in your life is your temporary friend but some are special and you have to care about the special persons in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??.


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