what is 23rd March?

Today we are going to talk about the  Youmi Pakistan. On this day a resolution was passed by Muslim leage(Subcontinent) in IQBAL Park Lahore. The resolution was moved by Abul Kashem Fazlul Huq (Abul Kashem Fozlul Hôk) (26 October 1873 – 27 April 1962), often called Sher-e-Bangla, passed on 24 March and had its signatures from the Founding Fathers of Pakistan. The quotation of the resolution was:" No constitutional plan would be workable or acceptable to the Muslims unless geographical contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary. That the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in majority as in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India should be grouped to constitute independent states in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign."[1]

Quad I Azam in middle and other Muslim League leaader (1940)

Every Pakistani celebrate the Holiday of 23rd March and enjoy the parade on watching TV with the FAmily. But nobody knows about all the persons not even some of them or even the don’t know about the what happened on this day.

We call our-self patriot not a patriot but a great patriot. What do you think about yourself that what you people are doing? Patriotism arose in the people for only one day. The reason is that we are not studying our history or about our ancestors that what they people were and what we are now? Think for one minute that what we people are going to do? If we people give sometime to our-self and study our history for only half hour that what we were? The other reason is that we are withdrawing basic ISLAMIC_STUDIES and PAK_STUDIES from syllabus of our children. The result is that they are not aware of these things. The things effect there life in this way that they didn’t know anything about ancestors. They only celebrate this day with great patriotism, rose Pakistani flags and painted there mouth with the flag. After this day they came to the normal routine and the flags which were flying in the air and produce a beautiful sound. After some days these flags were spreading on the road over here and there and no one care about this. If teach our nation about the respect of the flag they people never do this. All the things which are happening today all our fault not any other person.

[1]The Pakistan ResolutionGovernment of Pakistan Official website. (Retrieved on 23 April 2006)


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