I am fallen in love with ..... Python.

Some of you people can imagine why I fall in love with python. I started my programming study from the C++ language. I faced a lot of errors in this field. I failed two times in this subject. The first time I got only 3 marks out of 100 and the second time I got 38 marks out of 100. I was very disappointed. I never failed in my entire life. I think that this field is not suitable for me. I have to left the field and move in another direction. But then I realized that  I came in this field on my own choice against the decision of my parents. I have to stick with this field and move on. One of my friends told me that if you never failed in your life you have never tried for anything. I tried again and here we go I gain failed in this subject. Then I stick to this field and work hard. After one year I realized that I'm doing right. Stick to that part which you love and which you have chosen already. then I met with python. here we go. HURRAH. I didn't know anything about python. It started that I lied to one of my friends that I have been learning Python for the last 3 months. O ALLAH, that was the moment when the first time I was given a task in Python.
I feel only one thing relaxing except other parts of the Python. and the thing is that python doesn't contain the legend known as ";".

many other things I feel relaxing in python is that you can use a different kind of libraries and use there function. You don't need to write the whole code for your self. Check out the hello world! In both the language and find the difference.
Tell me other main difference in c++ and python.

Printing Hello World in C++;

In C++;

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( )
cout<<"Hello, World!";
return 0;


In Python;

Print("Hello, World!")


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