The Otheer Side Of The Picture

The other side of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

General Goal:

I want to persuade people.

Specific Goal:

I want to show people the bad and bitter side of the AI.

Thesis statement:

There are some point which we miss when we are talking about the AI here are some points through which I can explain the bad aspects of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Robotics, Automatic Machine, Devastating Purpose (WAR).


Everyone in the world is aware of the word AI. In the CS field every student is aware of this technology. In this techniques machine is so able to work according to its own environment and achieve maximum success. It includes “emotional intelligence”, “self-awareness”,” self-control” and “social intelligence.” In this technique the object is so good that it can take some decision which depend on the environment which provides to it because it is also called self-learning process.


  1. The first thing which came in the AI is the branch of Robotics.
  1. Robots may be harm for the humanity.
  1. If robots came in the industry. They can do every-work of the normal person. So, the value of normal person decreases.
  2. Robots will reduce the job opportunity for the normal person.
  3. Robots are made on some algorithmic. According to these algorithm’s, they can perform perfect task. If task is away from that algorithm’s, they cannot perform their task.
  1. Robots in industry.
  1. On the large scale, In the industry robots are replaced by the normal people. Only the lower profession is safe from robots in future.
  2. On these scales if there is some error occurred in there programmed, they became harmful for the industry.
  3. In the grid station, they are performing similar task to the normal people. If there is some fault occurred whom we blame.
(transition: we discussed the bad impacts of Robotics on our society, now we are going to discuss the Automatic Machine)
  1. The second part in the AI is the automatic machine.
  1. Automatic cars bad effects if we launch them.
  1. If there is accident on the road by the automatic car, whom we blame.
  2. If we launch automatic car then we must build separate road for them.
  1. Automatic machine in the industry.
  1. If we set a time for the machine and a worker working in it. At its time the machine start working. Now, we cannot blame neither machine nor that person who made that algorithms.
(transition: We discussed the automatic machine and now we are going to discuss the replacement of humans with AI)
  1. The third part of the outline is related to the use AI against humanity in the wars.
  1. Robotic Army.
  1. They are trying to build robotic army to save their own army. It is good but on the other hand it is not good that you are using AI against humanity.
  1. Robotic Machine against normal people.
  1. It is good that you are creating different weapons to save your country. At the same time. If you use fatal weapons against humanity, this thing is not good.
  2. To save your army you are creating robots but when you use them against innocent people that is not good.


  • Everything in world is not benefits. There are two sides of the picture.
  • If there is benefits of AI, at the same time there are also bad impacts of AI. It is up to us that we must use technology only for good purpose.
  • ALLAH created everything for mankind. If we use technology for the betterment of the humanity, it is good for all of us.


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