Religious extremism in Pakistan

 Causes :                                                                                                                                                Effect :                                                                                                                                                          Solutions:

Introduction :

Religious extremism start in Pakistan when Islam is divided into its different components. It is started from the subcontinent before the freedom but the politicians of Pakistan use at as there political card. Whenever they want some part of the people who are in favour of them they provide support to that part. It also increases that our president support different parts like General  ZIA  support DEOBANDI  in his regime as the ISKANDAR MIRZA  support shias  in his regime. There In the different regime religious extremism move up and downward as it all deppand on the politics

Causes :

           The Pakistann area right presently faces grave security risks in light of the growing radicalism and dread based mistreatment. There are distinctive components that have driven towards this condition.

The legislative issues of brutality and enthusiasm in Pakistan is mainly the delayed consequence of broken national techniques and impedance of outside powers. The region's enormous potential is detainee to dubious among state and intra-state conflicts. In most of the states, the governing bodies (either reasonable or military) have shelled in giving extraordinary organization and dealing with social issues, for instance, joblessness, social inappropriate behavior, and poverty. The political culture in these states was unfit to meet the destinations of globalization. In addition, instead of propelling solidarity and compromise (both at national and regional measurements) it incited ethnic solidarities and recognizing evidence with religion and culture. The key driver of Extremism are included underneath: Extra-regional entertainers are basically responsible for the advancing flood of dread mongering and rising obsession. To counter Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in 1979, the United States maintained and upheld the Pakistani government and besides the Jihadi social events in the midst of the period 1979-1989, which in post-1990 period transformed into a risk for the security and soundness of Pakistan. After Soviet withdrawal and diminishing of US interests in the locale, Pakistan was left in an all out stumble for dealing with the peril of dread based mistreatment and enthusiasm spread for the duration of the season of its war against Soviets. With the 9/11 scene, Pakistan before long transformed into a front line state in the war against mental abuse. The reestablished block by US in Pakistan, and Pakistan's assistance against Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan before long annoyed the radical and unfriendly to US segments, having wide consequences on inward security situation. The fan designs have been upheld in the Pakistann countries in light of the block by the by neighboring and extra commonplace countries in the inside issues of the states.

Poor monetary advancement close by high people improvement has incited the issues of mass joblessness, hunger and pay dissimilarity. The monetary lopsided characteristics and hardship has made disappointment and slightness among the lion's share, inciting an extending criminalization of society in which there are open concentrations for abuse by the fan parts in and outside the organizations. Nearby the separating economies of Pakistan, managerial game plans have emphasizd the extreme example in all of these states. Governments, in these countries, paying little respect to whether normal or military, have used the religion and ethnic card, in order to haul out and strengthen their standard, further invigorating the fundamentalists and fan in the overall population.

There were a couple of components and events that have incited radicalism, sectarianism and mental abuse in Pakistan. These components fuse : First the impact of regional events like Iranian furious, Afghan Jihad and ascent of Taliban; second Islamisation process by general Zia-ul-Haq in the late 80s; third impact of Freedom Struggle in Kashmir and Palestine issue; fourth 9/11 and events starting there like US war on fear including Pakistan's u-turn on its methodology towards Taliban and joining Coalition/US controls as a Frontline state in war on mental fighting; fifth Pakistan's Arms Forces undertakings in FATA and US strikes in these domains including Lal Masid Operation and response to the extent extended number of suicide ambushes on Armed Forces, Police and VIPs, developments of Taliban infiltration and effect in settled districts Swat in NWFP and fanatic crisis in Parachinar[1]

Effects :

There are various effect of extremism on the coujtry. Whenever there is exteremism occurred in the country.whenever there is blast in the country there were many young peole killed in thise blast which effect the future of the country. It also effect the econoy of the country.there are various effects as given below:
  1.  Absence or curtailment of female education.
    ·         Confinement of women to the four walls of there home
    ·         Curbs on cultural activities.
    ·         Total regration of inquery and research in field of religioun
    ·         Complete blackout of modern knowledge
    ·         Creation and promotion of propagandist lecture
    ·         Disdain and scron for modern technology
    ·         Absence of female education..        


Short term and long term strategies have been put in place to control extremism. The short term measures include: first, eviction of foreign elements brought by USA and other countries to fight USSR and pacification of local supporters, of then the mujahiddin , and now referred to as militants; second ban on militant organizations, third, ban on hate material and check on misuse of mosque and loudspeaker. The long term strategy focuses on Madrassah reforms, revision of curriculum to bring it in line with the values of Islam and national discourse on real essence of Islam. Pakistan needs to adjust her policies regarding extremism and terrorism keeping in view current realities. Perhaps minimum use of force with more focus on political and economic components would be an appropriate strategy. The action –reaction and reaction-action kind of activities will never end until the strategy of fighting terror does not change. Closing down madrassas will not prevent extremism. It would only trigger more hatred and furious reaction. The best solution would be to bring madrassas back into the mainstream, where students are allowed to get both religious education as well as a modern education.[3]



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