Crime is increasing day by day,why?

In our daily life, we saw many incident every day. Usually, they happened like car or bike the other countries where law and order are strong people really on their police. They just called the police and then it up to the police to solve the problem. in the subcontinent where law is not strong instead of this people are more stronger than law. If the relative or close person of a powerful man involved in some unethical activities, they don’t care of the government and investigation institute. The question is that why this happened to us? the very first answer that came in my mind is that law and investigation institute did not help the people. Therefore, crime rate increased in those countries where law is applied to poor people and not on the rich people. This is not the good way for us. This is the way of destruction for those countries it happened. we should follow the rules of our states. there is a case happened in United States of speeding car and judge asked from the person who was driving and his wife who is sitting with him and then asked his little son about the decision that weather his father was on guilty or not.

we should learnt a lesson that in the countries a little case of speeding car was heard in the court. but in those where the large cases like murdered cases did not follow by the court. people got disappointed to this and they got suicide. therefore, we should learnt that we should heard the talk of every person of the society. If this is happening regularly to the society, people thought that there is no one in the society who listened to them and solved there case. therefore they decided to solve there problems themselves. it increase crimes in the society. People did not aware of the law and other things therefore, the did the decision which they might think as right. in this way they killed other person on a decision. The solution is that we should strong our law's institute so that they may solve the problems of our society. If we are able to do this the i think that we are able to decrease our crime rate in the country.  we saw that the countries that controlled applied  the law to every person of the society equally and  give attention the problems of people they are able to decrease this rate.


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