
Showing posts from 2020

Spending time with Family...

 For many people this Quarantine proved to be very sad because they lost there family members. many of our friends whose contacts saved in our contacts when we return to our our schools, colleges, offices may be we will not find our friends. Because, they were died due to COVID-19(SORRY FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LOST THERE LIVES IN THIS PANDEMIC) . It's been a long time since a wrote a blog may be it's been a year that I've written my last blog. in this quarantine i found a lot of time spending with my family. understanding there daily routine there likes dislikes hobbies and many other things. it's a very interesting period. last two years of my life i spent those years at the University. Because, life in that life i forgot even myself and my routine then how can i know and remember the routine of my family and other people.  So, this summer  we spent most of our time with our little cosine. Having fun with him. Enjoying his little talks. In the last six month he was the cent

Google Doodle

From last week google doodle paying to the front line people in this pandemic situation like COVID-19. they are serving us in this difficult situation. the most important is our doctors who know that they may get this infection but they are working and treating patients regularly. The Second is transport's people like drivers who are serving bringing things from one place to another and help us not getting a shortage of anything making or life easy as well as they can. And then we have delivery boys who are delivering food on our doorstep. The key figures in all this situation are those who are helping needy people by providing them clothes, food, and other eatables. May ALLAH bless us all. Pray for everyone. Forget the differences and help each other in this critical situation. Don't forget these heroes in your prayers.

A lie to save reputation.

Normally we lied to other people so that he did not cam to know about the truth about me or inside of me. Like we are disqualified from an interview or we failed in a competition. We want the other person will not know about the reality of me or we don't want to share it with him/her. But, the fact is contrary. We have to face the problem face the challenge. these are the challenge which makes your life easier and much better. Be loyal, to everyone so you don't need any testifier for yourself. on the other hand, we have another choice as it is said that tell lie such frequently and such confidence that it'll look like it's a truth.  Now, it's your choice what you want.